Image Resizer

Drag and drop an image here

- or -

Choose an image

Maximum upload file size: 50 MB

Use Remote URL
Upload from device
Flip Horizontally
Flip Vertically
Counter Clockwise

Resize Image

No Change!

Perfect Quality

The best online image resizer designed to preserve the highest quality for your images.

Lightning Fast

Powered by a highly scalable cloud infrastructure, this tool resizes your images in just seconds.


Resize your images effortlessly—just upload and enter your target size. It’s that simple!

Works on Any Platform

As a browser-based tool, works seamlessly across all platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. No software installation required.

Privacy Guaranteed

Your files are securely uploaded via a 256-bit encrypted SSL connection and automatically deleted within 6 hours, ensuring your privacy is protected.

Completely Free

Since 2012, we’ve resized millions of images—entirely free of charge. No registrations, no watermarks, and no software installations needed.

Experience the easiest and most efficient way to resize your images today at!